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Tendinţe în cercetarea traductologică
Year: 2005 Publisher: Romania : Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara,

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Translationes no 1/ 2009. Traduire les culture`mes / La traduccio´n de los culturemas
Year: 2009 Publisher: Bucharest : Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara,

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The first issue of the Translationes journal brings together studies that take into account, in addition to attempts to (re-)define the cultureme, translation analyses and critiques that aim to examine both the nature of the cultureme and the nature of interlingual transfers, as well as the purpose of translations, without forgetting that, after all, translation remains a matter of interpretation.



D. Tsepeneag et le régime des mots : écrire et traduire en "dehors de chez soi"
Publisher: Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara

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Enseigner et apprendre à traduire de façon raisonnée
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Timisǫara : Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara,

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This volume represents the proceedings of the international conference Teaching and learning how to "translate in a reasoned way", organized at the West University of Timisoara on May 22nd and 23rd, 2014 and at also the third of the publications of this kind supported by ISTTRAROM-Translationes Research Centre. The twelve papers included in this volume examine, to varying extents, the state of the art of translation teaching and learning. The authors (translation specialists, didacticians, teachers) contribute to an overview of experimental, theoretical and applied research. Taking into account the translation teaching-learning within the globalization context, they explain new perspectives and the potentialities represented by a reasoned use of the latest technological developments. The authors question the multicontextual nature of translation teaching-learning strategies, tools and methodologies.

Mic dicţionar de termeni utilizaţi în teoria, practica şi didactica traducerii
Authors: ---
Year: 2012 Publisher: Timişoara [Romania] : Timişoara [Romania] : Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara

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Despite the quantitative and qualitative progress registered in translation studies research, the metalanguage of this discipline still lacks proper definition. Given the ambiguous and polysemous nature of the translation studies terminology, the purpose of this dictionary is to offer an easy to use working tool to all those interested in translation and translation criticism. Thus, it comprises around 250 entries, each definition being strengthened by useful explanations and examples. Moreover, the defined terms are accompanied by their equivalents in English, French, German, Spanish, and Russian.

Idei şi metaidei traductive româneşti (secolele al XVI-lea – al XXI-lea)
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Timişoara [Romania] : Universitatea de Vest din Timişoara

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The main focus of the book is to prove the existence within the Romanian territory of incipient pre-theories of translation which constitute the foundation of today's translation studies research. The examination of various aspects of the translation activity carried out in the 18th and 19th centuries aims at underlining its contribution to the history of the Romanian literary language, to the history of Romanian literature as well as to the national and cultural identity. The author's approach touches a multitude of aspects such as the extratranslational context that influenced the unfolding and evolution of the Romanian translation tradition (translation schools, movements, behaviors) , the essential role of dictionaries in translation and in the perfection of language, and finally a diachronic presentation of Romanian translation.

Henri Queffélec, écrivain humaniste

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L’œuvre d’Henri Queffélec occupe une place à part dans la littérature de l’après-guerre. À une époque où l’humanisme paraît démodé, où le récit traditionnel est remis en question, Queffélec continue à plaider pour un unanimisme chrétien et pour une littérature ancrée dans la réalité de sa région dont il évoque si bien l’imaginaire hanté par les signes de la mort. Romancier des îles bretonnes et de la mer, observateur des mutations de son temps, il peint les catastrophes provoquées par les violences de la nature, les drames et les conflits liés aux transformations sociales. Toute cette œuvre violente et déchirée ne cesse pourtant de rêver, de nous faire rêver d'harmonie, de solidarité. Queffélec a cultivé le catholicisme social et a eu des sympathies de plus en plus marquées pour le franciscanisme. Pour lui la religion est lien entre les hommes ; elle suscite des enthousiasmes, fait vivre des communautés. Le romancier joue sur les techniques narratives, sur les points de vue, pour animer des groupes et créer une vie collective. L’écrivain accomplit alors une mission presque sacerdotale en réconciliant l’homme et le monde.

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